Supporting all our students to reach their full potential

Our Support & Inclusion Service is designed to help all students reach their full potential. We provide additional teaching and learning resources to enable you to successfully complete your chosen programme of study.

Students at any level may require learning support, and our dedicated team of Learning Co-ordinators/Learning Support Assistants and Learning Development Lecturers can discuss how we can cater for your individual needs.

Who is the support for?

Our support services are for individuals with a variety of needs, including:

  • Dyslexia
  • A specific learning difficulty
  • A physical disability
  • Hearing impairment
  • Visual impairment
  • Medical conditions
  • Recovering from long-term ill-health
  • Exam Access screening
  • Students with an Education Health and Care Plan
  • Students with Special Educational Needs and Disability Support Plan (SEND Plan)

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

We have high aspirations for all of our students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and those with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  

We aim to raise the career aspirations of our students, broaden their employment horizons, and support them in preparing for the next phase of education or training and beyond.  Young people with SEND and/or those who have an EHCP have access to impartial advice about all the education, training and employment opportunities that are on offer, including specialist provision.

We offer a range of college programmes starting from Level 1, which can be an ideal entry point to college for SEND students.

Contact us

To contact the SENCO or a Learning Support Co-ordinator:

T: 01664 850 850

Useful links: