I want to go into Mental Health Nursing in the future, and with their being a mental health topic within my course it’s helped me understand the differences between mental health and mental ill health.

My course has really helped me widen my knowledge, realise there’s still a stigma around mental health, and find something specific that I want to pursue a career in.

At Chestnut Care Home, I’m as they call me an ‘activity assistant’, so I do the activities with the residents, for example at Christmas we did a lot of decorating! I try to let the residents take over and do most of it themselves.

The care home has been really supportive, and always go out of their way to give me lots of ideas on what I can be doing with the residents. They give me the confidence to know the things I’m doing are okay.

At college, I really enjoy the social side and all of the staff are really friendly.