An apprenticeship is a great way to learn how to do a job quickly. You should chose an apprenticeship in a job that you are interested in and passionate to learn.


Q: Who is your employer? Harry Nassau

A: My employer is Metnor Construction, who are based in Newcastle.  


Q: Why did you choose to study an apprenticeship?

A: An apprenticeship allows young/inexperienced people to have the opportunity to learn and advance into different job sectors. I myself had no construction experience before taking this apprenticeship, but the sector was something that I wanted to get into and learn about.

Q: Why did you choose to do your apprenticeship with SMB College Group?

I applied for my apprenticeship through the Government Apprenticeship Vacancies website, and my employer, Mentor, had chosen SMB College Group based on the location of the college to the site I am working on (the new Whitwick & Coalville Leisure Centre site).

Q: What has your experience been like so far? Have you enjoyed being on-site with your employer?

A: Yes I have enjoyed the whole apprenticeship so far. Being able to transfer the learning from the classroom into a practical working environment is important for understanding what we are learning.

Q: What is your favourite thing about your apprenticeship?

A: I have enjoyed the challenge of coming into a new industry where I must learn everything on the job, while also having supported learning at college.


Q: What are your career ambitions? Has your apprenticeship helped you to start working towards these ambitions?

A: Site Management is a very interesting job with lots to learn. I am happy training as a Site Manager for the moment but in the future the transferable skills I get from this job may even help me to progress or break into another industry.

Q: Any advice for people who are considering an apprenticeship?

A: An apprenticeship is a great way to learn how to do a job quickly. You should chose an apprenticeship in a job that you are interested in and passionate to learn.