“I studied my Level 2 and Level 3 Sport qualifications at the Brooksby Campus because I have always loved sports and fitness and I hope to work within the Sports industry as a personal trainer or PE teacher in the future. I have always preferred practical learning so the BTEC courses offered at Brooksby suited me really well.

I chose to study at the Brooksby Campus because the sports facilities are fantastic and I loved the huge playing fields. I really enjoyed my time at Brooksby because it’s a small college so the tutors were able to provide a really personalised approach to my learning, like helping me get onto a running course at Loughborough University and helping me set up my own running club at Brooksby, both of which helped me to grow in confidence. My confidence also grew from having the opportunity to do lots of coaching with children and young adults of a range of abilities. To further my education within Sport, I will be starting a degree in Sport and Fitness Studies at Birmingham University this year, with the hope of working within the Sports industry in the future.”