We would like to thank all those who have responded to the recent public consultation on our proposal to merge Stephenson College and Brooksby Melton College Formal, public consultation took place between the 1st August 2019 and the 2nd September 2019. The consultation is an integral part of our merger process, whilst we have not had a high level of responses we are pleased to have heard from a range of stakeholders. Feedback was in favour of the proposal and has reaffirmed our desire to move forward with the merger of both Colleges. We are satisfied that the consultation gave people a good opportunity to respond. We have carefully reviewed all of the comments made during the consultation, these will help to shape our future plans. We have responded privately to all questions posed by individuals, and have detailed the number of responses as below. We will now be working together to ensure that we secure the anticipated benefits for students, staff and the wider community provided by the merger. We thank you for your comments, your interest and your support. More information can be found here.

Chris Brown Chair of Governors, Stephenson College Andrew Wolfe Chair of Governors Brooksby Melton College