Former Animal Care Student, Kanane Francis, is hoping to break into the Equestrian industry as a Jockey!

Kanane, 20, studied Level 2 Animal Care at Brooksby from 2017 to 2018 . Since then, he has embarked on a new and exciting journey at the prestigious British Racing School in Suffolk, where he learned how to race in a three-month intensive course earlier this year.

Kanane first got involved with the world of horse riding at Leicester's Urban Equestrian Academy in December 2019, where he initially planned to use his Animal Care skills to help out with caring for the horses. However, he soon discovered that he had a natural talent for horse riding, and became passionate about the idea of becoming a jockey.

Kanane is now completing his Level 2 qualification whilst riding for Mick Appleby Racing, in Oakham, with the hope of honing his skills and achieving his dream of becoming a professional jockey in the future. When speaking to us about his fantastic achievements and future aspirations Kanane said ‘My time studying at Brooksby was one of the best years I’ve ever had. I got to enjoy the wonders of working with all the animals and to enjoy my time learning. Since leaving Brooksby I have gained a passion for horses and now ride for Mick Appleby racing - hopefully on the way to becoming a professional jockey!’

You can keep up-to-date with Kanane’s exciting journey into the Equestrian world by following him on Instagram @the_urban_jockey.

Click here to find out more about Animal Care courses.

Click here to find out more about Equine courses.

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