6th - 12th March is National Women in Construction Week!

SMB College Group are proud to be supporting this fantastic national iniative to challenge career stereotypes and celebrate women as visible components of the construction industry.

Women make up around 14% of construction industry professions, and this number is set to rise with more and more women choosing construction jobs. Misconceptions about gender-specific roles are gradually diminishing with the growing number of women choosing a career in construction.

There are many ways to enter the world of construction, whether you're leaving school or established in your career. You could:


What Jodie Says!

To find out what it's really like to be a woman in the Construction industry, we spoke to our very own Electrical Installation Lecturer, Jodie! Jodie has worked with us here at SMB College Group since July 2021, after she successfully completed her apprenticeship with Electract Ltd. She said:

"If I could give any advice to a female who is contemplating entering the construction industry, it would be to just go for it! I often wondered which career path I should take, I tried Hospitality, Security and Customer Service - absolutely nothing compares to a career in the construction industry." "It is the best choice I have ever made and has opened so many doors for progression. The construction industry relies a lot on teamwork, as soon as I entered the industry I felt part of a team, not once was I singled out because I am a woman. I have always been treated as an equal and have been offered the same opportunities as my male counterparts."


Want to learn more?

If you like the idea of a career in Construction, a course or apprenticeship with us here at SMB College Group could be your perfect first step! Why not come along to a Stephenson Campus or Brooksby Campus open event to find out more? You'll find our full range of open event dates here.