We have on-site accommodation at our Brooksby Campus, a stunning 850-acre estate situated in the heart of Leicestershire. Accommodation is for students aged 16+ and who are completing a course with SMB College Group.

Depending on your circumstances, there may also be the option of private rental within Melton Mowbray. In addition, there is a wide range of student housing across Leicestershire within suitable travel distance.

Accommodation Poster

Please read our Statement of Residential Principles to find out more.

Accommodation at SMB College Group has been rated as 'Good' by Ofsted, read the full report to find out more: SMB College Group Accommodation Ofsted Report

Get in Touch

If you are considering applying to study with us and would like to know more about our accommodation options, please get in touch with our Accommodation team on 01664 850 850 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 


Travel to our Brooksby Campus is really easy with a large number of private and public bus routes available. Melton Mowbray has its own train station within walking distance of our Melton campus – providing direct links to many major cities and routes.

Visit our dedicated transport page for more info.


Have you considered using your spare room for extra money? Do you live locally to the Coalville or Melton Mowbray area?

SMB College Group would love for you to consider renting out your spare bedroom(s) to students!

We are looking for people to rent spare rooms to students from Monday – Friday during term time. You will need to provide breakfast and an evening meal.

What are the benefits?
  • You choose which weeks you would like to provide accommodation
  •  You decide how many students you house (maximum of five) 
  • You can offer shared or single bedrooms 
  • The first £7500 you earn is tax-free!

For further information, get in touch with our friendly Accommodation Services Manager Sarah Bosworth on 01664 850 850 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can apply for accommodation?

    Accommodation is available for students of SMB College Group aged 16 years or over who are completing a level 2 or above course at SMB College Group.

    The majority of our accommodation is catered to our FE students who are under 18. We also offer accommodation to our 18+ degree level (HE) students. 

  • Where is the accommodation located?

    Our halls of residence are located on the Brooksby campus, within the grounds of our 850-acre country estate. Brooksby is situated in between the town of Melton Mowbray and the city of Leicester. 

    There is a regular public bus route (5a) which can take you into Leicester via a variety of local towns. Our Accommodation team also offer a shuttle bus twice a week to students in the evening for those that may need supplies or a change of scenery.

  • What are the rooms and facilities like in the halls of residence?

    Rooms within the halls of residence are comfortably furnished single or double rooms, with either a single or bunk bed, wardrobe, handy shelves for your belongings and a desk to work from. All of our 18+ residents have single rooms.

    Each accommodation block provides shared toilets and shower rooms for residents, with access to fully equipped kitchens.

    You can tour our accommodation at a Brooksby Campus open event.

  • How much does the accommodation cost?

     Annual Cost 24/25 (paid termly)  Cost
    Shared Room (fully-catered) £5819.73                
    Single Room (fully-catered) £6809.48
    HE Single Room (fully-catered) £6809.48

    This is for Monday to Friday, term-time only and is fully catered. For 2024/2025 all accommodation charges are payable on a termly basis in advance.

    All Students will need to pay a security deposit of £250 with the application form to a room.

    Did you know? If you're studying a land-based course, you may be entitled to a residential bursary to help fund your accommodation! Eligible courses include Agriculture, Animal Care/Animal Management, Countryside & Environmental Management, Equine, Land-based Service Engineering. Get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information! 

  • How many days per week can I live in accommodation?

    The halls of residence are open from 5.30pm on Sunday and close each Friday at 5pm. Both our 16-18 students and HE students are in accommodation five nights a week, Monday to Friday. 

  • Do I receive meals as a resident?

    For 2024/2025, all residents receive a meal package as part of their accommodation. This includes a full board service of breakfast, lunch and dinner, Monday-Friday. Meals are freshly prepared by our chef and catering team for all residents. 

    We also offer a range of snacks in the evening to “Grab and Go “ and there are several different outlets that you are able to purchase food across the campus.

  • Are staff on-site during the evenings?

    Yes! We have a Senior Residential warden living on site and we have 24/7 security on site.

    There is also a dedicated team of Residential Duty Wardens who are on hand for all your needs during the week. The team are experienced and skilled in supporting students within residential accommodation.

    For our under 18 residents, the Accommodation Service ensures compliance with the National Minimum Standards for the accommodation of students under 18 within Further Education Colleges.

  • When can I move in and when do we have to leave?

    Residents usually move in just before their enrolment date at the start of the academic year and leave at the end of the academic year. 

    Payment for fees is required termly in advance – please note our Terms and Conditions regarding any liability should you choose to leave accommodation during the year.

  • Is there free WIFI?

    Yes! There is free WIFI for all students in accommodation and across campus. We have our own IT security system to ensure online safety for all of our students.

  • Can I share a room with someone I know who is also attending college?

    For our 16-18 residents, we have a number of shared rooms within the halls of residence. Any special requests are raised at the application stage. The team will do their best to meet all requests, however, we cannot always guarantee this.

  • What happens in the evening?

    Residents of accommodation have exclusive access to a computer study room, classroom and quiet lounge. There are also social spaces equipped with activities such as darts, pool and table tennis. 

    On Tuesday evenings, we operate a shuttle bus service to local towns, shops and eateries. Staff are also always on hand to provide study support and arrange activities. You can also take advantage of the on-site gym once you have completed an induction session. 

  • What do Ofsted say?

    Accommodation at SMB College Group has been rated as 'Good' by Ofsted!

    "Young people who stay in the residential provision at the college are making good progress and are happy and settled. They benefit from good relationships with wardens, managers and leaders in the residential provision. Young people say they feel able to turn to the wardens for support and guidance and can confide in them. This helps them to settle into college life, make new friends and start making progress on their chosen course." Read the full report here: SMB College Group Accommodation Ofsted Report

  • What support will I receive in accommodation?

    The accommodation staff team are on hand every evening during your stay. All residents have access to regular one-to-one review meetings. During the daytime, support is available from Student Services.

    If students have specific needs/requirements due to a medical condition or an EHCP, they will have a meeting prior to acceptance into accommodation to discuss the support that is required.

  • Where can I do my college work in the evenings?

    The computer room, classroom and quiet lounge are available every night exclusively for residents. The accommodation team are on hand to provide information, advice and guidance too!

    We’re happy to organise support sessions in the evening if required with prior notice.

  • How do I apply?

    Applications for accommodation are open now!

    Just fill out the Accommodation Request Form and send it back to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • What happens next?

    • Complete and return an accommodation request form
    • The Accommodation team will invite you to a telephone interview (these typically start to take place from January onwards)
    • From the end of April, you will be contacted via email to inform you if you have been successful at interview
    • You must pay a £250 deposit to secure a room (to be paid by the closing date specified in your confirmation email)
    • Upon receipt of the desposit, we'll email you a residential contract and associated paperwork. The information supplied will contain everything you need to know in order to move into your room in September.
    • If you require financial support towards fees, bursary information can be obtained from Student Services on 01664 850 850 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you're studying Agriculture, Countryside Management, Land-based Engineering, Animal Studies or Equine, you may be eligible for additional bursary funding towards your accommodation costs! Get in touch with This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

    All students living in residential accommodation are required to sign a contract and abide by all rules and the Residential Code of Conduct.

    If at any point you decide that you no longer require accommodation, please contact our Accommodation Team to let them know.