Creative Media

If you're looking for a career in one of the world's most varied and interesting fast moving exciting sectors that demands you to use your creative flair, studying on our Creative Media course could be the best option for you!

Our creative media course and the opportunities it provides are closely linked with real careers in this industry. On the course you will experience all aspects of this very diverse sector and be able to develop a personal future based on creating your own material in a portfolio. 

You will work in teams, on your own and with external colleagues throughout the course. You will be working in all subject and skill areas in terms one and two - and then in term 3 you will specialise on your own chosen subject and skill area through creating your own project. 

After the course you will have the opportunity to progress into University based on your specialist skills and passions - or look at careers directly in the sector. 

Subject and Skill Areas: 

In Creative media you’ll have access to all the technology you need to produce work you can be truly proud of in a wide range of subject and skills areas. You’ll be able to create work in many different ways using a wide and diverse range of facilities. As you will be allocated your own laptop for the duration of the course you will be also able to work independently or in a team really effectively. With access to purpose designed location and production packs you can take out with you you’ll be able to work in college, out of college, at home with no restrictions. We think the use of your own laptop and production packs are unique to this course! 

Here’s a few examples of what you can do with all the facilities, some are obvious, some might surprise you: 

Film and moving image (Directing, camerawork, studio management, styling with set and prop design,  

Photography and Imaging (Studio, location, desktop imaging using Photoshop) 

Podcasting and Social media video content design (Audio and video for the web and social media) 

• Sound design for media products (Foley, Soundtrack and Online sound products for web) 

Graphic and Publishing Design (Now called Ux, “experience” and Ui “interface” Design where you create Graphic products for publishing digitally and on paper for Media) 

• Journalism and creative writing for editorial and advertising including script writing and screenplay production 

Internet and Online products design (looking at website and other online products) 

Media theory and commercial practice also looking at what Advertising, Editorial and Promotion is so you have a good understanding of the Media world before you decide what you want to do 

Social Media product design for Apps design and use in campaigns where social media channels or types and combined to promote products and events. This can include all social media tools such as Instagram where major Media events are now developed. 


Extra things unique to this course: 

Students will have access to our very own commercial theatre, which is in Melton where the college also has a performing Arts area you can use for film making and access actors for your own scripted productions. This is valuable to your media experience where you can see how cast members are educated and get involved with performance. 


Our Team: 

Our dedicated tutors and support staff are active in the industry and have a wealth of experience for you to learn from. Every year students have accessed top Universities and obtained good careers in the media sector looking at a wide and diverse range of different specialisms such as Social media, Photography, Film and Graphic Design this year. 

So whatever you want to be in the world on media we can support you. Get in contact with us today, or as soon as possible for an informal chat and we are sure we can help you!  

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Our Media Courses

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