From Our Students

At SMB College Group, our aim is for you to leave college with a fantastic qualification, new friends, amazing memories and, most importantly, the skills and knowledge you need for your future career. We're always looking at ways to improve what we do in order to give you the best possible experience - so it’s always great to get feedback! 

Hearing from other students, in their own words, is always more useful than us just saying how great we are - so here are just a handful of past and present students’ testimonials. 

Elliott Austin

Civil Engineering Apprentice, Redrow Homes

So far, my apprenticeship has given me the opportunity to work well towards my career ambitions, and being in the industry for 4 years already at the age of 20 years old has given me a bit of an upper hand on people that have come straight from university.

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Joe Wellborn

Civil Engineering Apprentice, Redrow Homes

My apprenticeship has helped me a lot in my career so far, and hopefully will do in the future.

Not only with learning skills based around the job and within the job, but also communication skills, teamwork skills, but also in an academic sense as well and it covers and ticks all boxes.

Being part of Redrow and having this apprenticeship has allowed me to excel in these areas and get an upper hand over competition I suppose.

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Suranne Murray

Apprentice Site Supervisor, Winvic Construction Ltd

Becoming an apprentice has helped me better myself and my career path, as this pathway could take me into many job roles.

I chose SMB College Group for my apprenticeship as I was supported well in previous years by the progress tutors and head of course when help was needed.

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Harley Bailey

Engineering Apprentice, UK Rail Leasing Ltd

It just feels like it was always meant to be engineering for me.

I found that I’ve received a lot more respect for being a female in this kind of industry.

Female engineers shouldn't be a rare thing - make it normal!

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Mia Walker

Engineering Apprentice, AB Produce

My favorite part about my engineering apprenticeship, especially at AB Produce, is that no two days are the same. One day could be no breakdowns - meaning working on intricate, fine details on machinery parts - and the next day could have several huge breakdowns, resulting in belt changed, stripping lines down, full nut and bolt replacements, etc. Being an engineer can be challenging and that is what makes the job interesting to me personally.

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