At SMB College Group, our aim is for you to leave college with a fantastic qualification, new friends, amazing memories and, most importantly, the skills and knowledge you need for your future career. We're always looking at ways to improve what we do in order to give you the best possible experience - so it’s always great to get feedback!
Hearing from other students, in their own words, is always more useful than us just saying how great we are - so here are just a handful of past and present students’ testimonials.
One of the reasons I chose to study business is for the variety of topics it covers, and every job in the world is somehow linked to business!
Before I went on my work experience placement with The Printers & Altitude Marketing, I was leaning more towards finance and accounts, but now I'm not sure, as I really enjoyed it!
I would rather find things I enjoy so there’s plenty of options for me to consider in the future.
I really wanted to get both a beauty qualification and a hairdressing qualification, and I’m loving this course so far.
I get to be really creative and I like the challenge!
I want to go into Mental Health Nursing in the future, and with their being a mental health topic within my course it’s helped me understand the differences between mental health and mental ill health.
My course has really helped me widen my knowledge, realise there’s still a stigma around mental health, and find something specific that I want to pursue a career in.
This course reinforces everything I do at work and provides a different outlook on the work I carry out.
I get to look in detail at all the different species of weeds and pests I come upon as a Sports Turf Apprentice. I have always been interested in it since I was younger, so it was an easy decision for me to study this.