From Our Students

At SMB College Group, our aim is for you to leave college with a fantastic qualification, new friends, amazing memories and, most importantly, the skills and knowledge you need for your future career. We're always looking at ways to improve what we do in order to give you the best possible experience - so it’s always great to get feedback! 

Hearing from other students, in their own words, is always more useful than us just saying how great we are - so here are just a handful of past and present students’ testimonials. 

Chester Owen


At the start of my time at SMB College Group, going from being home all the time and than moving to away from home 5 days a week was challenging for me but everyone was in the same situation which made it a lot easier. However it also meant I got to focus on rugby and my course.

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Joseph Woodward


My time at SMB College Group has given me many opportunities to learn, achieve and help others both on and off the field.

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Tim Hoyt


I feel like I gained a lot more knowledge of the game and improved my skills in the technical and tactical units. I was given really good support around my rugby and my college work, where reflective practice was encouraged through the DiSE qualification.

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Lewis Chessum


Being at Brooksby Campus helped me develop many parts of my game on and off the field. It made me a better player and overall person, I met life long mates and made many memories and experiences by doing Agriculture as a course instead of just sport.

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Brooke Homewood


I’ve now become a Senior Therapist at Ragdale Hall Spa, and with this all under my belt from college training to doing more training at Ragdale - the future is my oyster!

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